
Stuffed Red Peppers

As an alternative to the usual hamburger and rice filling, I use a bread stuffing with ham and cheese. These stuffed red peppers are very satisfying so you don't really need a side dish.

Depending on the moisture content of the bread you use, you may need a little less water but the dryer the bread, the better. It will absorb more of the flavor from the ingredients.


5 red peppers
1 package of sliced white bread
3 tsp. olive oil
1 celery stalk
3 green onions, chopped
1/2 cup of diced ham
1 clove garlic, minced
3/4 cup of white wine
3-4 cup of water
3/4 cup of grated parmesan cheese
3 tbsp. fleur de sel or coarse salt
Fresh pepper


Remove tops from red peppers and set aside. Remove seeds, wash and dry thouroughly. In a large mixing bowl, break bread apart in small pieces (crust included) and combine all ingredients. Continue mixing until consistency is that of stuffing.

Stuff red peppers with mixture and sprinkle top with additional parmesan cheese. Place upright in a deep baking dish and add water to bottom of pan. Cook uncovered at 400ยบ for 1 hour or until cheese is golden.

Don't place tops back on red peppers while cooking. The stuffing needs time to dry and form a golden crust. You can use the tops as decoration for serving.

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